Delight Your Loved Ones with Treasures and Assorted Gift Boxes by Typhoo

Assorted Box MockupIt is that time of the year again when entire world is painted with the festive mood. Charged with the festive fervor, Christmas is all about making your loved ones feel beautiful on the inside and out. You have the perfect opportunity to let your loved-ones know how deeply you care about them.

This festive season Typhoo Tea brings beautifully treasured bespoke gifts, each one specially designed for lovers of tea.

Tea boxes are a great way to store packets of tea, and every tea lover secretly wishes they had one if they don’t already. Help them get into the holiday spirit this year by gifting them these Christmas tea hampers.

Treasures box with 2 variants: Green tea box treasured green tea variants like Traditional Tulsi, Masala, Coconut, Jasmine, Moroccan Mint, Lemongrass and Natural. With a dozen teas to try they’re sure to like at least a handful of them.Priced at Rs. 377 

Give them the gift of tranquility with Assorted box (with premium teas like Gold, English Breakfast, Decaf, green teas like Traditional Tulsi, Moroccan Mint, Natural and Fruit Infusions like Orange Spicer, Lemon & Lime Zest and Blackcurrant Bracer) Priced at Rs. 697

Tea lovers can be tough to shop for because there are only a few things that go into enjoying a cup of tea, but this one is sure to impress.

About Typhoo Tea

Typhoo Tea Limited has a long 110 years of heritage of blending, packing and selling quality tea in the UK. With a portfolio of 10 brands and over 600 products,Typhoo is being enjoyed in more than 50 countries including USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa. The iconic British brand brings this refreshing, rejuvenating experience to India with a variety of over 20 high quality luxurious teas and 100% natural fruit infusions.