Pepe Jeans London ties up with the University of Cambridge

A one of a kind association to create an ultimate campus themed clothing line for men

WALLIS 1 - MRP 1099 PRINGLE 2 - MRP 2099 MALTHUS 3 - MRP 1099 FROST 1 - MRP 1099

  Pune,15 May 2015-Pepe Jeans has de­cided to go back to university, specif­i­cally to the presti­gious Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge, to launch a new col­lec­tion to­gether: the Cam­bridge Collec­tion, a col­lege-style line of menswear for spring/sum­mer 2015.



The Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge at­tracts the best stu­dents, re­searchers and aca­d­e­mics from around the world and it wasn’t long before it attracted Pepe Jeans as well.


“Pepe Jeans London is greatly honoured at being selected by the University of Cambridge to create fashion collections that reflect the institution’s values. We are excited to introduce this one of its kind collection this season for the first time in India”, says Kavindra Mishra, Chief Executive Officer, Pepe Jeans India Limited.


“Pepe Jeans is un­usual, its clothes are beau­ti­fully de­signed, in­clu­sive and made to high man­u­fac­tur­ing stan­dards but they are priced to be worn by or­di­nary peo­ple. This is very im­por­tant to the Uni­ver­sity. This ex­cit­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion will help to cre­ate in­come for sport­ing ac­tiv­i­ties at Cam­bridge and also con­tribute to the funds of the Uni­ver­sity Li­brary,” says the Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge Of­fi­cer for Brand, Gill Luff.


The Cambridge Col­lec­tion from Pepe Jeans is in­spired by the tra­di­tional sports prac­ticed at the Uni­ver­sity, such as rugby, row­ing and cricket. This joint col­lec­tion from Pepe Jeans and the Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge in­cludes rugby-in­spired polos, T-shirts and shirts bear­ing the Cam­bridge logo. Pieces are exquisitely tailored using the highest quality fabrics. Quality and sophistication are hallmark attributes of this line, while touches of contemporary colours make for youthful yet timeless results. The guy who wears this collection is quick to pick his outfit from the closet, ready to run and have fun!


The Cambridge Collection from Pepe Jeans starts at INR 899 onwards. The collection is available at all leading Pepe Jeans outlets across the country.