14 Coal Blocks Allocated to the Government Companies and CPSUs under Auction by Competitive Bidding

coalMinistry of Coal has allocated 14 coal blocks for power sector located in six host States on the recommendation of the

14 Coal Blocks Allocated to the Government Companies and CPSUs under Auction by Competitive Bidding

after due deliberations at every stage with applicant State Government, host states where the coal blocks are located and the concerned administrative Ministry i.e., Ministry of Power and Central Electricity Authority.

Notice inviting applications was posted on the website of the Coal Ministry on 31st December, 2012.  A total of 318 applications were received in Ministry of Coal out of which 276 applications were found to be complete in all respects. Out of these 235 applications pertained to 14 Coal Blocks for Power. After scrutiny and verification of facts and other important parameters, 128 applications were considered eligible for these 14 coal blocks for power.

These 14 blocks have a geological reserve of 8311 MT capable of yielding about 159 MT coal production per annum, which will cater to about 31800 Mega Watt power generation capacity.   These coal block allocations to Govt. sectors will lead to an investment of more than Rs.1, 60,000 crores in the power sector with consequential multiplier effect in other sectors of the economy.

Around 15 states and 6 Central PSUs have been allocated coal blocks.  Some of the coal blocks, because of theirsize  had to be given to more than one State.  Namely, Deocha-Pachami block in West Bengal having a reserve of 2102 MT has been given to  six different state power PSUs.

 The detailed allocation of coal blocks is as under:-

Sl. No Coal Block / Capacity / Host State Proposed Applicant State/CPSU Proposed Govt. Company Proposed allocated Coal Reserves(MT)
1 Tentuloi/1234 MT/Odisha Odisha Odisha Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. (OTPCL) 1234.00
2 Bhalumuda/550 MT/Chhattisgarh CPSU / NTPC NTPC Ltd. 550.00
3 Banai/629 MT/Chhattisgarh CPSU / NTPC NTPC Ltd. 629.00
4 Chandrabila/550 MT/Odisha CPSU / NTPC NTPC Ltd. 550.00
5 Kudanali-Luburi/396 MT/Odisha CPSU / NTPC NTPC Ltd. 266.00
Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir State Power Dev. Corp. Ltd. (JKSPDCL) 130.00
6 Baisi/150 MT/Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh State Power Gen. Co. Ltd. (CSPGCL) 150.00
7 Pachwara-South/279 MT/Jharkhand CPSU / NLC Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Ltd./Ghatampur(NUPPL) 279.00
8 Jilga-Barpali/546 MT/Chhattisgarh CPSU / NLC


NLC / Sirkali (Tamil Nadu)

Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Co. Ltd



9 Sarapal-Nuapara/701 MT/Odisha Andhra Pradesh APGENCO 701.00
10 KenteExtn./200 MT/Chhattisgarh Rajasthan Rajasthan VidyutUtpadan Nigam(RVUNL) 200.00
11 Mahajanvadi/340 MT/Maharashtra Maharashtra






12 GondbaheraUjheni/532 MT/Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh MPPGCL 532.00
13 Deocha-Pachami/2102 MT/West Bengal Karnataka Karnataka Power Corp. Ltd. (KPCL) 382.00
West Bengal The West Bengal Power Dev. Corp (WBPDCL). 584.00
Bihar BSPGCL (Pirpainti/Lakhisarai)SJVNLtd./ BUXAR 486.00  
Punjab Punjab State Power Corp. Ltd.  (PSPCL) 229.00
Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Generation & Dist. Corp Ltd. (TANGNDCO) 171.00
Uttar Pradesh UPRVUNL 250.00
14 Kalyanpur-Badalpara/102 MT/ Jharkhand  Harayana  HPGCL 51.00
