All-India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural and Rural Labourers on base 1986-87=100 –September, 2012

The All-India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourers and Rural Labourers (Base: 1986-87=100) for September, 2012 increased by 7 points and  8 points respectively  to stand at 673 (Six hundred and seventy three) points for Agricultural Labourers and 675 (Six hundred and seventy five) points for Rural Labourers.

The rise in index varied from State to State. In case of Agricultural Labourers, it recorded an increase which varied between 1 to 19 points in all the 20 States.  Haryana with 757 point  topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 555 points stood at the bottom.

  In case of Rural Labourers, it recorded an increase between 1 to 17 points in  all the 20  States. Haryana with 750 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 577 points stood at the bottom.

 The Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural and Rural Labourers in respect of Uttar Pradesh State registered the maximum increase of 19 points and 17  points respectively mainly due to increase in the prices of rice, wheat, wheat atta, bajra, pulses, mustard oil, vegetables & fruits, sugar, gur, saree cotton (mill), shirting cloth cotton (mill) and anacin.

Point to point rate of inflation based on the CPI-AL and RL increased from  9.18% and 9.34% in August, 2012 to  9.43% and 9.93% respectively in September, 2012.  Inflation based on food index of CPI-AL and CPI-RL are9.05% and 9.20% respectively during September, 2012.

All-India Consumer Price Index Number (General & Group-wise)

Group Agricultural Labourers Rural  Labourers
  Aug., 2012 Sept., 2012 Aug., 2012 Sept., 2012
General Index 666 673 667 675
Food 654 663 656 665
Pan, Supari,  etc. 898 903 904 908
Fuel & Light 736 741 734 739
Clothing, Bedding  & Footwear 649 655 657 664
Miscellaneous 624 631 621 628

The CPI – AL/RL for October, 2012 will be released on 20th November, 2012