Silver Institute Video Wins Media Award


(Washington, D.C. – August 20, 2013) – “Silver: The Element of Change,” a video released earlier this year by the Silver Institute, has been named the winner of a 2013 Bronze Telly Award, an honor given each year to the finest videos, film productions, online videos, programs and commercials. The widely distributed video explores the many ways silver has changed the course of history to become an indispensable part of modern society.

In describing the award today, Michael DiRienzo, Executive Director of the Silver Institute, said that thanks and congratulations were due to the video producers, EFX Media in Arlington, Virginia.

“They have produced an important video that illustrates silver’s remarkable properties as an element of change in industry, technology, fashion and medicine,” DiRienzo said, noting that silver is everywhere in our everyday lives.

The video depicts the wide variety of ways in which silver has become a key component of so many of the consumer products that we rely upon today, including cell phones, personal computers, laptops, tablet computers and televisions, to name just a few. Silver is found in many of the safety features in automobiles and helps reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, by helping solar panel installations to work efficiently.

The video describes a truly multi-faceted metal. Silver is an indispensable part of modern medicine, helping to keep people healthy in the fight against infection. At the same time, as it has throughout history, silver has maintained its value as a precious metal and its role as a trusted investment.

To view the video, “Silver, the Element of Change,” please visit the Silver Institute’s home page

The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international industry association headquartered in Washington, D.C. Established in 1971, the Institute’s members include leading silver producers, prominent silver refiners, manufacturers and dealers. The Institute serves as the industry’s voice in increasing public understanding of the value and many uses of silver, and also creates programs across many platforms that benefit the white metal. For more information on the Silver Institute, or silver in general, please visit: