European Carbon Capture & Storage

The radical technological change required to decarbonise the energy system means that countries cannot rely on a carbon price alone. Governments must ensure that the necessary regulatory infrastructure is in place.”*

The present uncertainty over long-term climate policy is having a significant impact in shaping current investment decisions and is likely to push out the CCS demonstration phase well into the 2020s. How will this week’s DECC announcement affect market mood and development in the UK? Now, more than ever, sharing best practice from current projects is key to building the business case for CCS.

Platts 7th annual European Carbon Capture & Storage conference offers you a unique opportunity to hear how CCS is developing internationally with insights from China, the US and Canada as well as delivering progress updates from our leading European CCS projects: Mongstad, Norway, Belchatow, Poland, Don Valley and Teesside, UK, and ROAD and Green Hydrogen in The Netherlands.

Join your Carbon Capture & Storage industry peers to:

Hear the industry’s expert leaders discuss what needs to be done to accelerate the successful deployment of CCS in Europe

Receive critical updates on the current state of CCS policy frameworks in practice – NER300 conclusion, UK CCS Commercialisation Programme progression and forthcoming developments surrounding the CCS directive and EU ETS

Explore long-term business models for European CCS and large scale storage and assess European cluster and hub complex development

Evaluate the issue of long-term liability and risk transfer

Preview leading CCS technologies

For full details request your copy of the conference brochure.

Register by close of business Friday November 16 and save up to $600 – plus an extra 10% when booking with credit card.

Need additional information?

Should you require any more information please visit the European CCS website, email, or contact a member of the team on +44 (0) 20 7176 6300.

We look forward to meeting you in London in January 2013.

Kind regards,

Simon Kears
European Carbon Capture & Storage