BSE_LOGOThis has reference to the procedure laid down under Exchange Notice No. 20140625-44 dated June 25, 2014, for moving in / out of trade to trade. The Stock Exchange with a view to take preventive surveillance measure to ensure market safety and safeguard the interest of the investors, based on the rules prescribed in the aforementioned Notice has decided to take the following Surveillance actions:
1.    The scrips mentioned in Annexure I will be transferred to “T” Group/will continue to remain in “T” Group and they would be traded and settled on Trade to Trade basis effective from March 11, 2015. The category applicable to the scrip for transfer to/continuation in “T” Group from the detailed criteria available on the website as stated above is mentioned alongside the scrip. Trading Members are requested to take adequate precaution while trading in above scrips, as the settlement will be done on trade-to-trade basis and no netting off positions will be allowed.
As per the provisions of Exchange Notice No. 20050805-12 dated 05 August 2005, a VaR Margin of 100% will also be levied on these scrips. Further, scrips in T-Group will continue to attract a circuit filter of 5% or lower as applicable.
2.    Please note that the scrips mentioned in Annexure II are eligible for transfer to “T” group, however as these scrips are in “P” and “ZP” group and already traded and settled on a trade to trade basis the same shall continue to remain in their respective groups. The category applicable to the scrip for transfer to/continuation in “T” Group from the detailed criteria available on the website as stated above is mentioned alongside the scrip.
3.    The scrips mentioned in Annexure III are in “T” Group and are traded and settled on trade-to-trade basis as part of surveillance measure. These scrips will be shifted back to their original groups from March 11, 2015 and will continue to attract the circuit filter of 5% or lower as applicable and will be reviewed for upward revision during the price band review activity scheduled in the month of April 2015.
Trading Members should note that the transfer of scrips for trading and settlement on a trade-to-trade basis is purely on account of market surveillance measure and it should not be construed as an adverse action against the company. Further, this is a temporary measure and will be reviewed periodically depending on the market conditions.
In case trading members require any clarification, they may please contact any of the following officials of the Exchange:
Mr. Anish Nair (Extn: 2272-5002) / Mr. Jaimini Patel (Extn: 2272-3030)