Bollywood’s versatile actor, comedian Raja Sagoo, the one who won hearts of millions through his comedy acts, was winner of Comedy Circus 20:20. He now enters in another zone through his heart touching voice. Raja Sagoo’s first ever bollywood song “Bawri Pooch Pool Party” from the upcoming Bollywood film “Thoda Lutf Thoda Ishq” is out. Film starring Hiten Tejwani and Rajpal Yadav is slated to release on 10th July. Raja Sagoo produced another copy of the same title song starring Devshi Khanduri and himself. The catchy party song is composed by Vikram Khajuria who felt that Raja’s voice gave a fresh feel to the song.
Raja Sagoo Said, “It’s a happy moment for me as my first ever bollywood song is getting released. I have always entertained the audiences through my comedy acts, but this is the first time that I’ve sung a bollywood song. I have four more songs in the pipeline which are going to release this year”.
Thoda Lutf Thoda Ishq is an upcoming Hindi Comedy Drama film directed and produced by Sachin Gupta and co-produced by Bharat Bansal and Vivek Yadav under the banner of Chilsag Chillies.