Coal Blocks Allocations Initiated Under Amended MMDR Act – 17 Coal Blocks Offered to PSUs

imagescoalThe Ministry of Coal has initiated the process of allocation of Coal Blocks under the amended provisions of MMDR Act and Rules framed thereunder. In the first round the Government proposes to allocate coal blocks to the Government Companies/Undertakings(Central and State) for specific end use(power) and coal mining.

Accordingly it has been decided to offer 17 coal blocks (14 coal blocks for end use i.e. for power and 3 coal blocks for mining) to different Government Companies/Undertaking (Central and State). Detailed information of each of these coal blocks covering area, location and basic infrastructure including coordinates, status of exploration, sequence of coal seams, quality of coal and estimated reserves, etc. has been placed on the website of Ministry of Coal ( inviting applications. Earlier Ministry of Coal has already placed the pre-determined evaluation criteria for specified end use and coal mining alongwith the details to be furnished by the applicant by the Government Companies/Undertakings on 27th December, 2012.

The applications have to be submitted within thirty days i.e. to be submitted upto 30th January, 2013 in the Ministry of Coal.