(21st ATM)
5 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- The Twenty-First ASEAN Transport Ministers (ATM) Meeting was held on 5 November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. H.E. Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Minister for Transport of Malaysia, chaired the Meeting and H.E. Mr. Joseph Emilio Aguinaldo Abaya, Secretary of Transportation and Communications of the Philippines was the Vice-Chairman. The Twenty First ATM Meeting was preceded by the Fortieth ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM) and their consultations with dialogue partners held on 2-4 November 2015.
- The Twenty-First ATM was officially opened by H.E Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. In his Opening Remarks, he called for united efforts in realising the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), in order to achieve the goal of a truly people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN. He underscored the importance of improved connectivity and transport networks to enhance the growth of ASEAN, enrich economic integration and the competitiveness of ASEAN Member States. In this context, he highlighted the main deliverables of the 21st ATM, especially the adoption of Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Action Plan (KLTSP) 2016-2025, which contains strategic measures in the areas of air, land and maritime transport and aims to support the realisation of the vision of AEC 2025. He also lauded the progress achieved in key components of establishing AEC, such as liberalisation in aviation sector through development of ASEAN Single Aviation Markets (ASAM), the development of land transport infrastructure to achieve greater integration and inter-modal interconnectivity within ASEAN Member States and strengthened maritime connectivity through realisation of ASSM. He further looked forward to a meaningful and long-lasting economic relationship in the region, as well as with the Dialogue Partners, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea.
Towards Greater Transport Connectivity and Integration
- The Ministers commended the implementation progress of the Brunei Action Plan (ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan) 2011-2015. They also noted that 145 out of 160 measures due for implementation by 2015 have been carried out both collectively and individually by ASEAN Member States. They further urged for the timely implementation of the remaining measures in 2016.
- The Ministers adopted the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan (ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan) 2016-2025 as the successor to the Brunei Action Plan. Pursuant to the ASEAN Transport Cooperation Post 2015 Vision, the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan (KLTSP) placed greater emphasis for greater connectivity, efficiency, integration, safety and sustainability of ASEAN transport. In particular, it sets out strategic measures in the areas of air transport, land transport, maritime transport, transport facilitation and sustainable transport to support the realisation of the vision of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2025.
- The Ministers tasked senior officials and transport working groups to work closely with stakeholders to ensure that the measures stipulated in KLTSP are effectively and efficiently implemented.
Intensify Efforts on Establishment of ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM)
- The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalisation of Air Freight Services and its protocols among all ASEAN Member States which will further complement other transport facilitation and liberalisation efforts to facilitate the establishing of an enabling environment for a single and unified aviation market in the region. The Ministers looked forward to the full ratification of the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Air Services and the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalisation of Passenger Air Services by ASEAN Member States by 2015 in order to fulfill the commitments under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM) in support of the ASEAN Economic Community.
- The Ministers noted with satisfaction the progress made in implementing key measures in the implementation of ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM) Roadmap, amongst others, including sharing of information on economic elements of the ASAM; a framework to align safety regulatory capability and standards; and a database containing information on the operation and planning of air navigation systems in ASEAN.
- The Ministers lauded the conclusion of Ninth Package of Commitments on Air Transport Services under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services and signed the Protocol to facilitate its implementation to further liberalise air transport ancillary services in the region.
- The Ministers agreed to review the implementation of existing air transport liberalisation agreements and protocols under the ASAM Implementation Framework, and discuss further key economic elements for liberalisation, as the needs arise, for a more competitive and resilient ASEAN.
Towards seamless cross-border and transit movement of passengers and goods
- The Ministers called for intensified efforts to conclude the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Cross Border Transport Passenger by Road Vehicles (ASEAN CBTP) in order to facilitate seamless cross-border mobility of passengers between and among ASEAN Member States and support people-to-people connectivity in the region.
- The Ministers noted the progress made in ratifying and enacting domestic laws and regulations to implement the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT), ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport (AFAMT) and ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport (AFAFIST). The Ministers urged officials to speed up the implementation of these transport facilitation agreements, including through accelerating consultations with relevant stakeholders, and take an inclusive approach.
- The Ministers also noted the progress in the development of pilot project on ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) including the establishment of ACTS Central Management Team within the ASEAN Secretariat to manage the implementation of ACTS upon the completion of the pilot phase. The Ministers underlined the need to enhance coordination between transport and customs officials for successful implementation of ACTS.
Further strengthen efforts on realisation of ASEAN Single Shipping Market (ASSM)
- The Ministers were pleased with the progress on the implementation of the measures set out in the ASEAN Single Shipping Market (ASSM) Work Programme 2015-2016, which was developed based on the ASSM Implementation Framework. The Ministers also welcomed the establishment of ASSM Coordinating Board to focus on policy coordination and harmonisation of rules and regulations. The Ministers further emphasised that coordinated and intensified efforts work are critical to timely implementation of agreed strategies and measures for realisation of ASSM.
- The Ministers were also pleased with the progress in the development of Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan which will help to operationalise the MOU on ASEAN Cooperation Mechanism for Joint Oil Spill Preparedness and Response. The Ministers looked forward to its completion.
- The Ministers supported the initiative to develop an ASEAN MOU on the Improvement and Harmonisation of Safety Standards and Ship Inspection for Non-Convention Ship (NCS), which will serve as a common reference for safety standards and ship inspection of non-convention ships’ operation in ASEAN region. The Ministers tasked its senior officials to deliberate and expedite the conclusion of the draft MOU.
Enhancing Road Safety in the region
- The Ministers adopted the ASEAN Declaration on Road Safety Strategy and the ASEAN Regional Road Safety Strategy which marked significant milestones in enhancing road safety cooperation in the region. The ASEAN Regional Road Safety Strategy will provide a framework for road safety strategies at the regional level to reduce road fatalities in ASEAN Member States in accordance with the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020.
Heighten cooperation with Dialogue Partners
- The Ministers thanked China, Japan and ROK’s for its technical assistance to ASEAN Member States under their respective established transport partnerships. The Ministers also thanked EU and Germany for their continued support to advance regional transport integration process.
- The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of Protocol 2 of the ASEAN-China Air Transport Agreement (AC-ATA), which will further facilitate air connectivity between and beyond both regions. The Ministers looked forward to continued engagement between ASEAN and China in the area of aviation cooperation, including working towards full liberalisation of the AC-ATA in support of the upgrading of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The Ministers also welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN-China Maritime Education and Training Development Strategy which will enhance capacity building in maritime sector between ASEAN and China.
- The Ministers lauded on the substantial progress in transport cooperation under the ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership, including the launching of Best Approaches Book on Safety and Disaster Prevention, Best Practices on Public Private Partnership (PPP), adoption of Green Logistics Vision and Action Plans, and completion of the Study on Seamless and Integrated Land Bridge. The Ministers welcomed the convening of the 3rd Meeting of the ASEAN-Japan Working Group on Regional Air Services Arrangements in March 2016 and looked forward to the early conclusion of a more liberal and mutually beneficial ASEAN-Japan Air Services Agreement.
- The Ministers welcomed the implementation progress of the projects and activities under ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Roadmap related to human resources development program, master plan projects, infrastructure feasibility studies and research. The Ministers noted with appreciation ROK’s technical assistance to conduct feasibility study developing railway project linking Viet Nam and Lao PDR (Vientiane-Thakek- Mu Gia -Tan Ap-Vung Ang). The Ministers looked forward to the convening of the 2nd Meeting of the ASEAN-ROK Working Group on Regional Air Services Arrangements soon. The Ministers reiterated their heightened expectations for the early conclusion of a more liberal and mutually beneficial air services agreement with the ROK.
- The Ministers looked forward to the convening of the 1st Meeting of the ASEAN-India Working Group on Regional Air Services Arrangements for the expeditious conclusion of an ASEAN-India Air Transport Agreement based on ‘open skies’ principles covering both air freight and passenger services.
The Twenty-Second ATM
- The Ministers agreed to convene the Twenty-Second ATM Meeting in Philippines in 2016.
- The delegates from ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat expressed their sincere appreciation to the Government and people of Malaysia for the warm hospitality accorded to the delegations and the excellent arrangements made for the Meeting.