ICSI IT-Legal National Conclave, November 21, 2015

The Eastern India Regional Council of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (EIRC of ICSI) organisedICSI IT-Legal National Conclave in association with The W.B. National University of Juridical Scienceson Saturday, 21st November 2015 (from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm) at Hotel Park Prime, 226 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700 020. A Press Conference commemorating the event was also held.

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L to R CS Rupanjana De,Secretary, ICSI EIRC addressing, CS Santosh Ku Agarwala, Council Member, ICSI, Prof.(Dr) P. Ishwar Bhatt,Vice-Chancellor,The W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, CS Mamta Binani,Vice President, ICSI, Mr Sharan Bansal, Director, Skipper Ltd, Shri K Jayaraman,IPS, Spl IG and DIG Training-cum-Principal, Swami Vivekananda State Police Academy, West Bengal and CS Sunita Mohanty, Chairman,EIRC of ICSI.

CS Mamta Binani, Vice President, ICSI, CS Sunita Mohanty, Chairperson, EIRC of ICSI,Programme Coordinator, CS Santosh Ku. Agarwala, Council Member, ICSI and Programme Director speaking to the Press said thatthe purpose of this conclave is to convey vital knowledge about application security to the Legal and IT professionals working in different platforms, to enable the development of robust, rugged, and more secure software applications. This IT Conclave being organized by ICSI is to create an awareness about the risks of cyberspace, but it is for the users of such technology to practice safe behavior while surfing the net

The deliberations of the Conclave was on enhancing the efficient information and communications technology infrastructure, Cyber Crime, Legal remedies and resource to create and support an effective information technology system which will trigger a transparent and accountable governance structure and, in particular, ensure speedy enforcement of rules and delivery of efficient service to the stakeholders.

They also said that the Company Secretary (CS) is a Corporate Law Professional and many of the activities are computer related. The Company Secretary has lots of information including insider/ confidential ones which arecrucial for business. Thus they need to be alert and take necessary action and prevention for the safety of self and their companies.

They ended the session by stating that today’s business is fully technology driven and the success of business depends not only on its performance but also on its ability to have secured intellectual property and information security systems. There is every chance of intruders getting access to crucial data which is bound to effect business competitiveness. Prevention and curbing of these maladies is the need of the hour. To discuss and sensitize the members and professionals about these issues, EIRC of ICSI is hosting ICSI IT–Legal National Conclave in association with The W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences.