Yale Young Global Scholars Program announces a need-based scholarship for  a student from India to attend American high school program in Singapore

Singapore Scholarship

The Yale Young Global Scholars-Singapore Program (YYGS-Singapore) is excited to offer a full-tuition scholarship for one outstanding high school student from India to attend the prestigious 2016 program at Yale-NUS College in Singapore! This need-based scholarship will fully cover the student’s tuition of $3,500 USD and travel costs associated with attending the program for eligible students.

The Yale Young Global Scholars-Singapore Program is an immersive week-long academic enrichment and skills-based practicum designed for outstanding high school students from around the world to encourage their drive, energy, vision, and potential to make a meaningful impact as young leaders. The program will feature lectures from renowned Yale and Yale-NUS faculty, as well as seminars, leadership development, and academic mentorship provided by Yale graduate and undergraduate students. Students will receive room and board for six days and experience residential life at the state-of-the-art Yale-NUS College in Singapore.

Prior to the YYGS-Singapore program, there will be an optional 2-day field trip for all participants to experience what makes Singapore one of the most influential cities in the world. From visiting the awe-inspiring Gardens By The Bay to taking a foodie’s tour of Chinatown and Little India, students will also be exposed to the cultural vibrancy of this global hub.

Admission to YYGS-Singapore is competitive, and the online application is available here.

To be eligible for the full scholarship, applicants MUST meet all of the following:

  • Be a citizen of India and currently reside in India;
  • Have attended school in India for the majority of their education;
  • Complete the YYGS-Singapore online application, including the financial aid portion.

Students who meet the above criteria and qualify for financial aid will automatically be considered for the scholarship.

The application deadline is January 26, 2016.


More information can be found on the YYGS-Singapore website- http://yygssingapore.yale.edu/