Set to break a path in the adult film genre, Ishq Junoon is a subjective movie based on extraordinary concept of threesome that is a revolutionary theme in the love making arena among the youth of today. Soon after the poster release, the production house will next release the motion poster live on YouTube. The film marks the debut of newcomers Rajvir Singh, Divya Singh and Akshay Rangshahi.
An excited producer Anuj Sharma says, “For the first time in my career, I have given a meaningful and solid platform to the newcomers to showcase their talent with our film ‘ISHQ JUNOON-The Heat is On ‘. Our USP is the naturally shot love making scenes with content driven performances & mesmerizing music with five talented composers like Ankit Tiwari, Jeet Ganguli, Anjan Bhattacharya, Sanjeev Darshan and Vardan Singh. We have singers like Arjit Singh, Mohit Chauhan, Ankit Tiwari, Rekha Bhardwaj and Vardan Singh crooning the songs which has made industry insiders go Gaga over.”
Adding to this spice, Director Sanjay Sharma says, “This is my first film where I have directed a compact new star cast as I have been doing ensemble films, the script did not demand a lot of characters which is fun and challenging at the same time. Our concept is so strong, that our film didn’t require to ride on a superstar’s fame. Our new faces have well written characters, enough to pull the audience in theatres.
The film is expected to release by the second week of March to welcome the summer heat like its tag line ‘The Heat Is On’, by ShantKetan Entertainments & Vinr Film Production.