Environment and Forest Minister Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan said that she is hopeful that the COP11 will arrive at a final document on resource mobilization by the end of the conference. Expressing her happiness about willingness of all countries to work towards mutual agreed solutions on bio diversity, she said that there were very few logjams in the ongoing deliberations most of them because of difference in perspective. She was speaking at a press conference at COP 11 here today.
She further said there have been difficult discussions on a few issues relating primarily to resource mobilization, financial mechanism and bio diversity and climate change, which is natural in any negotiations. But the good news is that discussions have progressed on all of these issues this week, she added.
On the issue of pledging the funds for conservation of Bio Diversity by different countries she said that India is not looking at the numbers but at a political message and political commitment from the developed world. As far as India is concerned the Government is spending over 2 billion US dollars under different components of various ministries for bio diversity conservation.
Expressing happiness over the progress achieved in the first week of CoP 11, she said that on four of the agenda items, the plenary has already adopted major decisions.
Referring to the Prime Minister’s announcement made yesterday on India ratifying the Nagoya protocol and launching the ‘Hyderabad Pledge” she said that India has now become the seventh country to ratify this protocol.