UAE, October 30, 2017 – Arabia CSR Network, the Middle East region’s leading training service provider and think tank, organized a successful Materiality Matrix Workshop in Dubai as part of its continuing move to help today’s companies and organizations on how to design, develop and implement a successful CSR/sustainability strategy. The event was attended by participants that play an important role in their organization’s CSR and sustainability initiatives and also by individuals wanting to learn more about how to prioritize CSR issues and align them to a complementing business strategy.

The presence of a materiality matrix can help today’s companies and organizations in determining the most value-added CSR/sustainability initiatives to invest in. Participants at the exciting one-day workshop learned about applying the best approaches to follow in engaging stakeholders; identifying issues and prioritizing them in terms of importance. The workshop also highlighted practical examples and featured interactive sessions.
Habiba Al Marashi, President and CEO, ACSRN, said, “Materiality is being seen as an important driver in the efforts to run a successful CSR/sustainability campaign. It is a cornerstone of the strategy, which ensures that the right decisions are made–leading to the long-term success of the strategy. In line with this, we successfully organized a one-day workshop that focused on the materiality matrix–teaching participants about the best approaches and guidelines to follow, along with key examples to review and discuss. This workshop will be highly effective in building the requisite capacity for CSR/sustainability strategy formulation and sustainability reporting.”