Kolkata. : First ever Annual Day of J.D. Birla Institute (Department of management) was celebrated at Vidhya Mandir Auditorium. Mr. Randhir Kumar, IAS, Excise Commissioner, West Bengal, was the Chief Guest for the occasion and Dr. Dev Narayan Sarkar, Associate Director, PepsiCo India, was the Guest of Honour.
Appreciations motivate students to strive higher everytime they jump. This annual day was celebrated to appreciate the hard work of every child in the previous year in various pursuits. The evening started by invoking the blessings of God by lighting the auspicious Lamp, followed by Saraswati Vandhana. Dr. J.N Mukhopadhyaya, Director of J.D. Birla institute and the esteemed guests extended their warm welcome to the gathering. They shared their words of wisdom and enlightened the minds of the students. The chief guest ended his speech with a very famous Hindi quote “ khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqdeer se phele, khuda bande se khud pooche bata teri raza kya hai!”
The evening saw distributions of awards and certificates of merit to the students for their exemplary performance in different academic and non- academic pursuits. The last batch, present pass outs, and the current batches were acknowledged for their hard efforts. The ideas, innovations, creativity and immense dedications of students were recognized by college.
Apart from the felicitations, the evening also boasted an entertaining cultural show by the first and second year students. The student members of different clubs of the department were given their club badges and awards were distributed for different competitions. The president of Invictus’18 Atom Bhawsinghka informed the gathering about the upcoming management fest. He briefed the crowd about how Invictus’18 is going to be different from the previous years. The evening ended with senior faculty member, Dr. Manjishtha Maitra’s formal vote of thanks followed by the National Anthem.