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Fun Guy, jaywalking through Life!

Misfit Announces New Vapor 2, Powered by Wear OS by Google

RICHARDSON, Texas – Oct. 23, 2018 – Misfit, the original activity tracker to bring fashion to the forefront of the fitness industry, is excited to announce the launch of Misfit Vapor 2, a design-forward touchscreen smartwatch for iOS and Android users that puts everything they need right on their wrist. Following the success of Vapor, …

worldsteel Safety and Health Recognition Programme 2018

23 October 2018 Brussels, Belgium As part of its commitment to the highest safety and health standards, the World Steel Association (worldsteel) recognises excellence in six of its member companies for delivering demonstrable improvements in safety and health for steel industry employees. Andrew Purvis, Director, Safety, Health and Environment, said, “2017 was the safest year on …

Craft spirits added 1.5m cases to U.S. spirits market in 2017

Most craft categories saw double-digit growth in 2017; future growth potential still huge Boston. Craft spirits claim 3.3% of the total U.S. spirits industry, while its growth of 1.5m nine-liter cases last year contributed to 31.1% of the total spirits growth in the U.S., according to the recently released IWSR U.S. Craft Spirits Report 2018. …

How many light bulbs does it take to change an airport?

Joint project with Etihad ESCO to replace 150,000 conventional lamps and erect solar array will slash energy consumption by 5%     DUBAI, UAE: 23rd October 2018: How many lightbulbs does it take to change an airport? Dubai Airports and Etihad Energy Services Company (Etihad ESCO) gave their answer today announcing a joint project to replace 150,000 …

NBFC Crisis – Real Estate on Tenterhooks

Shobhit Agarwal, MD & CEO – ANAROCK Capital It may be true that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough gets going,’ but this doesn’t hold true for the Indian real estate sector currently. The ongoing NBFC crisis post IL&FS default has made things even more difficult for developers.   Post the banking system’s freeze …

Dell EMC leads the Indian External Storage Industry in Q2 2018

As per IDC Q2 2018 External Storage Systems Tracker, Dell EMC leads India storage sales by vendor revenue   India – 23rd Oct, 2018 As per the IDC’s Asia/Pacific Quarterly External Storage Systems Tracker Q2 2018, Dell EMC leads India storage sales by vendor revenue Dell EMC continues provide modern hardware architectures, innovative software tools …

World Economic Forum Objects to Misuse of the ‘Davos’ Brand

The World Economic Forum objects to the use of the “Davos” brand for events that have nothing to do with its own activities. The World Economic Forum, as the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, is not related to any political, commercial or personal interests. It brings leaders together from government, business and civil society for …