lamborghini-logoAutomobili Lamborghini inaugurates new trigeneration and district heating systems, two of the main projects that lead to the Sant’Agata Bolognese company’s attainment of CO2-neutral certification for the entire plant.

The certification under the “Carbon Neutrality” program is the first in the world awarded to a company by DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd), one of the leading environmental risk management classification, verification and service companies in the world. Automobili Lamborghini achieves this significant goal within 2015 by reducing and compensating for CO2 emissions inside the production site.

The inauguration event celebrates the attainment of a primary goal within Lamborghini’s environmental sustainability strategy, which was initiated several years ago with the completion of a large number of projects regarding the plant and Lamborghini cars.

Ministro Gian Luca Galletti - Stephan Winkelmann Trigeneration Plant

“Sustainability is one of our company objectives and we subscribe to a strong undertaking of environmental responsibility towards our stakeholders and the area where the company operates,” said Stephan Winkelmann, Automobili Lamborghini President and CEO. “The new plant and the certification we have earned today are part of our sustainable growth program. Our goal is to keep the plant CO2-neutral, even after the expansion that will take place in the upcoming years with the introduction of the third Lamborghini model.”

The inauguration was held in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, Land and Sea, Gian Luca Galletti, and several government authorities.

“Automobili Lamborghini is the perfect example of how business can be done while respecting the environment, and I would like to see this model exported to other regions of this country. Here, profitability and sustainability are going hand in hand. Manufacturing in Italy is a synonym for quality and this is essential for our region: we need to think of the environment as a big opportunity for the development of businesses. I believe the companies that do understand this new industrial culture will be the winners of the 21st century,” comments Gian Luca Galletti.