Category «Features»

Inward-Looking West Offers India the Opportunity to Lead the World

As Western democracies look increasingly inward, India has the opportunity to lead on free trade, climate change and technology, participants heard in the opening plenary of the India Economic Summit India’s new narrative is about internationalization, innovation and inclusiveness Technology must drive inclusive growth; entrepreneurship, empowerment of India’s youth, smart villages and shifting people into …

Milky Way’s most-mysterious star continues to confound

  Pasadena, CA— In 2015, a star called KIC 8462852 caused quite a stir in and beyond the astronomy community due to a series of rapid, unexplained dimming events seen while it was being monitored by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. And the star has continued to foil scientists’ efforts to understand it ever since. The …

New functional scoring helps better treatment for SCI during hESC

  During the past 2 decades, cell-based therapies for SCI have been researched in several studies. Replacement of damaged neural tissues and re-establishing connections between the central and peripheral nervous system is vital for the treatment strategy for patients with SCI. According to factsheet of WHO, over 5 lakh people are estimated to suffer from …

One hour of exercise a week can prevent depression

Even small amounts of exercise – from as little as one hour per week – can offer significant protection against depression, an international research team led by the UNSW Sydney and Black Dog Institute has found. A landmark study led by the Black Dog Institute has revealed that regular exercise of any intensity can prevent …

Feedback Helps Decision-Making

People look for feedback from their peers, co-workers, employers, and families as a way of determining how they can be better at their jobs, relationships and at life in general. Employers do the same of their employees: ask for feedback so they can improve processes, procedures, systems and culture. As industries have the spotlight shone …