Category «Features»

How Azure is the Advertising Sky in Kolkata?

The Multi Nationals, whose retainers had once fostered some of the most talented agencies in Kolkata have long gone. Entities that claim to have filled the void left by them, have not lived up to either their exacting standards or their willingness to reward creative work. Naturally, advertising as one understood it, is as dead …

Intense workout can cause infertility – Dr. Arvind Vaid, IVF expert, Indira IVF Hospital, New Delhi 

As per the study published in the journal ’Fertility and sterility’ revealed that in normal weight women, too much strenuous exercise could cause delays in conception. And it found that depending on your current BMI, exercise can impact your fertility in different ways. Women exercising for a long duration can also affect their estrogen levels. In normal-weight women, …

Independent India – A Real Estate Perspective

Anuj Puri, Chairman – Anarock Property Consultants In the 71 years since India gained independence, the country’s real estate market has changed tremendously. While it has not always been consumer-favouring throughout this period, it is certainly so today. The country’s cities have expanded, new economic drivers have come in and jobs are being created at …

Fraudulent cases against men by women

Women were considered as a minority and weak in our society. As we face various heinous crime towards women every day. Our constitution and Indian penal code has special legal and fundamental rights for women. Our criminal law was amended to safe guard the rights of women the legislative, administrative and judiciary has a soft …

The Azure shades of Green

What does the World Environment Day mean to you? The question, in itself, may sound simple, but when it was posed to a wide cross-section of people, the answers were as baffling as they were callous. Members of the Azure team conducting the survey were naturally aghast by the sheer lack of awareness about the …