Category «Features»

Housing for All by 2022 – The Clock is Ticking :   Anuj Puri, Chairman – JLLR (JLL Residential)

Affordable housing is not just about providing homes to the lower-income strata of society, though that is what the Modi government’s avowed intention behind the ‘Housing for All by 2022’ doubtlessly is. Affordable housing creation also has a direct and favourable correlation with the nation’s economy, as well as most other real estate segments. Housing …

The Social Media Butterflies – Chawm Ganguly

Do women, especially women in India, approach the social media differently when compared to their male counterparts? Innocuous as it may seem, it is indeed a trick question for various reasons. For one, those asking the question are primarily marketers who want the answer to push whatever they are selling. Secondly, and more importantly, because …

Career in Diagnostics is poised to become India’s most satisfactory jobs by 2020 – C.A. (Dr.) Ruchi Gupta, Founder and CEO,

Healthcare industry is one of India’s vastly expanding sectors in terms of economy, and anyone in pursuit of a fulfilling career has more than just a chance to establish themselves in it. The industry basically deals with hospitals, diagnostics, medical devices, and medical tourism. Though Indian healthcare is showing an exponential growth, the scope of …

Decline of Global Beverage Alcohol Consumption Accelerates

According to the IWSR’s latest data release (2016 data), the consumption of alcoholic drinks is declining at an increasingly faster rate than has been previously reported by other data companies. For 2016 the IWSR reports that the global market for alcoholic drinks shrunk by -1.3%, compared with an average rate of just -0.3% in the …

How to Design a Website That Overpowers Your Competitors

In a heavily congested online environment, businesses need to find ways to outperform their competition. They can no longer get away with throwing up a static website and expect visitors to come. Offering a good web experience is of high importance these days, and a major part of this is a taking careful consideration of …

Job Losses to Impact Residential Property Demand in IT Cities – Shubhranshu Pani, Managing Director – Strategic Consulting, JLL India

With job losses looming large for those employed in the IT industry, demand for residential realty across Indian IT hubs of Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, as also Navi Mumbai in Mumbai and Noida in NCR could be impacted. Among cities, Bangalore and Pune both rely heavily on IT companies for not only job creation but also …