Charles Wallace India Trust Awards now open for applications

british council6th October, 2015: The British Council, UK’s International organisation for educational and cultural relations announces The Charles Wallace India Trust Awards (CWIT) 2016-17. Mid-career artists, art practitioners and heritage conservators aspiring for wider experience in the fields of art and heritage conservation can apply by latest 30 November 2015.

Every year CWIT offers up to 10 long-term awards, aiming at giving early to mid-career practitioners a chance to study or gain wider exposure in the field of arts. The tenure of the awards generally range from minimum of 2–3 months and maximum of a year, covering accommodation and living costs in the UK, fees and international fares.

Fields of study which will be covered under the scholarship includes Arts (visual arts, performance art like Dance/Drama/Music/Directing/Film including Script Writing and Direction, photography, design (but not architecture), curating and art history. Heritage Conservation includes subjects like conservation architecture, management of heritage projects or sites, conservation of materials such as timber, stone, metal including metal structures, armour, paintings, photographs and film, conservation of landscape and Management of museums and collections.

The Eligibility criteria for the applicants’ are-

  • be an Indian citizen living in India
  • be aged between 25 and 38
  • Have a first degree, diploma or professional qualification in their specialisation. CWIT prefers applicants with significant working experience
  • Have not received a CWIT grant within the last five years.

The guidelines to be followed are-

  • application form should include a Statement of Purpose (not more than 2 pages), stating clearly which course you plan to follow , what you want to do in the UK and how you plan to put this into use on returning to India.

Applicant will also need:

  • An IELTS Certificate (essential for unconditional acceptance for most UK courses).
  • Evidence of unconditional acceptance on the course, programme, attachment or internship for which they have applied, or evidence of progress towards acceptance.
  • Portfolio submission where appropriate in either CD/DVD or hard copy format.

Applicants are shortlisted on the basis of their applications and will be invited by the British Council for an interview in Delhi in late February 2016. The panels of Indian experts are chaired by CWIT. Results of the interviews are announced in early April.

Please note: Since the London School of Performing Arts (LISPA) has now moved its courses to Berlin CWIT will no longer offer scholarships to attend them.

Further details on the eligibility criteria and application are available on:

About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and build trust between them worldwide. The British Council was established in India in 1948. The British Council is recognised across India for its network of 9 libraries and cultural centres. We offer a range of specialised projects in arts, education, exams, English language and society to audiences across India and more than 100,000 members. We also provide access to English language training and learning for both students and teachers, offer UK qualifications in India and enable opportunities to study in the UK.

For information on our work in India, please visit