Home interiors mirror the personality of the owner but at the same time they also reflect the energy of your home. Feng-shui, a style of decorating your home, believes that the placement of things and objects affects the energy flow in your living environment.
According to fengshui, the energy surrounding you affects the energy within you making an impact on day-to-day activities and the way you lead your life. According to Fengshui, the placement of furniture, the choice of colours for rooms, the décor, etc. together can bring in peace, beckon wealth, boost health, and invite happiness. It is about creating an environment that is ideal for you, supports your routine, creates positivity and enhances your journey through life.
What is FengShui?
FengShuiis an ancient Chinese science and literally means the wind (Feng) and water (shui) in Chinese. The idea behind fengshui is to make the flow of ‘the energy of the universe’(chi or qi) in a way that it creates harmonies ambience around you and your life. The belief is that the environment around us and hence the way we keep our interiors can have positive or negative impact on our wellbeing.
When we hear the word FengShui, things like wind chimes, turtle, laughing Buddha and lucky bamboo are the first few things that strike our mind. But fengshuiis not just about few Chinese decorating elements that bring good luck and charm.It is an art that needs to be understood at a practical level.
To begin with, let us understand the 5 elements of fengshui:
5 Fengshui elements and how to bring them in your home decor-
- Wood-Wood signifies the beginning of new life and natural growth.
The concept here is to include live wood i.e. a living plant so as to retain chi. But people also include something made out of wood as a representation of this element.
Here are few ways to bring the magic of this element in your home. Wooden furniture forms the basis for this element and you can easily include them in many ways. Alternatively you can also consider wooden bowls, wooden wardrobes and shelves. You can create visual retreat by decorating your interiors with indoor plants especially the air purifying ones.But remember cactus plants are a big no when it comes to feng shui.
Rectangular shape as well as the colours brown and green symbolizes the element wood.Therefore,you can include upright rectangular shaped wooden objects or decorative items in your home. Green and brown colour drapes, linen, etc. can make your home look vibrant.
- Fire-Fire represents male energy or yang and fuels passion.
Burning candles, incense sticks or lighting diyas could bring in this element in your home. You can also use the traditional lamp i.e. lantern to give your home a retro touch.Fireplace is yet another way to boost chi in the house.
Try using triangular or star-shaped décor, which symbolizes fire element. Bold colours like red, orange or yellow also represents fire and hence you can paint the walls with respective colours. Wallpapers with these colours are yet another great way to make your home come to life.
- Earth- The element “earth” brings in the energies such as reliability, calmness and dependability.
The element earth in your home décor can be in the form of stones, crystals, or even the mud used in planters. You can also include earthen pots and terracotta decorative items, which creates warm visual appeal. Yet another excellent option is to use natural stones like marble or granite for flooring.
Earthen colours like yellow and light brown can be used to paint the wallsor alternatively you can include them in the form of decorative art or sculptures, especially in square shapes.
- Metal- Metal represents moral, ethics and righteousness. It helps cultivate focus, strength and independence.
Metal candleholders, vases, sculptures, windchimes, etc. can easily lift up your ambience. You can use metal in kitchen in the form of brass cooking pots, silver serving trays and other metal cookware. You can also include metal in the form of wrought-iron railings, steel furniture, window grills or metal lamps.
Additionally you can place gold coins or fake metal coins strategically. Round shape and colours such as grey, white and black represent metal.
- Water-Water represents life and fluidity.
It is advisable to include water that is clear and flowing rather than stagnant water.
A small piece of decorative table water fountain can best resolve the lack of water element in your house. You can also include a bowl of water (which should be changed everyday to avoid stagnancy) and decorate it with floating flowers or candles to boost the appeal.
Fluid shaped décor or furniture can add a touch of class to your living space. Colours like blue and black could be yet another way to bring in water element in your décor.
The 5 elements of fengshui let you know what to include in your home décor. However, there is more to feng shui art- the principles.
Understanding Fengshui Bagua map
The blue print to success with feng shui is bagua or the energy map of your home. Bagua defines the position of furniture, the colours for different rooms, the elements to be used, the best images or paintings that suit your home, etc. which helps in good energy flow.
Here are few feng shui basics you need to follow in order to transform your uninspiring home into a harbour of serene aura-
- Start by decluttering your home even before you start to shop for feng shui makeover. This helps to cleanse off old and negative energy in your home leaving you a clear foundation to work with.
- The quality and the quantity of air and light at home are of utmost importance in feng shui. They form the bases for good chi. Once you declutter your home, the quality and quantity of air and light will be uplifted automatically and you are good to go with feng shui decoration.
- Knowing how to choose the colours for your house helps you to invite positive energy in your home. Each colour in fengshui represents some feng shui element as discussed earlier. For example, fire is the dominant element in the south bagua of your home and hence, red, orange, pink, purple or yellow, which represents fire, should be near the entrance.
- Carefully select feng shui cures (the decorative pieces) from your existing collection. Take extra care and abide by bagua of your home when yougo shopping for new feng shui items.
- Placing feng shui cure in the right direction can be done by consulting bagua of your home to bring luck and fortune. Placing wrong elements in wrong direction can have negative effect and bring bad chi in turn.
Feng shui is an art which when done right can instantly create a space that is pleasing, inviting and convenient at the same time. It brings in vibrant feeling of joy and creates harmony.