EUROFER’s Q4-2012 Economic & Steel Market Outlook shows that the outlook for the EU steel market has darkened further in recent months.
Low levels of confidence reflect that uncertainty has taken hold across all sectors of the EU economy, from the financial and retail sector to services, industry, construction and consumers, fuelling risk aversion and stifling growth.
However, while the EU is clearly the weakest link, also support of exports is fading due to slowing global economic growth.
EUROFER director-general Gordon Moffat: “Our downstream customers in manufacturing and construction face a steady erosion of orders books. They buy only steel products for immediate needs, waiting for the business climate to improve”.
Key question is what could change sentiment to the extent that risk aversion starts to fade and investment and private consumption will strengthen again.
Gordon Moffat: “The ECB has done its part; it is now up to the governments to reach more consensus about the way forward and make a decisive turn in fighting the crisis”.
The current outlook is based on the assumption of a further major escalation of the Eurozone debt crisis being prevented. Another assumption is the global economy will overcome current headwinds. This should translate in a moderate improvement in international trade in 2013. Nevertheless, risks and uncertainties are mounting, now the rest of the world is no longer decoupled from what is happening in the EU.
Production in the steel using sectors will fall by 3% this year; 2013 will see a minor further decline. As steel intensity is also declining, real steel consumption will fall by 4% in 2012, followed by a slight drop in 2013.
Apparent steel consumption is seen falling 9% in 2012. The seasonal post-summer recovery in bookings did not occur; instead customers are destocking. Early next year may see some technical recovery as a seasonal uptick in demand may fuel some selective inventory replenishment, but overall steel demand in 2013 will remain dull.
For the full report, click on the link: Economic & Steel market Outlook 2012-2013 : Represented by EUROFER, the European steel industry is a world leader in its sector with a turnover of EUR 170 billion and direct employment of 360 thousand highly skilled people, producing on average 190 million tonnes of steel per year. More than 500 steel production and processing sites in 23 EU member states provide direct and indirect employment and a living for millions of European citizens.
The European steel industry is the backbone of Europe’s prosperity and an indispensable part of the European supply chain, developing and manufacturing in Europe thousands of different, innovative steel solutions. The European steel industry provides the foundation for innovation, durability, CO2 reductions and energy savings in applications as varied and vital as automotive, construction, machinery, household goods, medical devices, and wind mills.
Steel is 100% recyclable, it can be recycled over and over again without loss of properties. All the steel in collected end-of-life products is recycled, irrespective of the percentage of steel in the products. Steel therefore contributes significantly to the long-term conservation of the fundamental resources for future generations. About 45% of the total EU steel production is recycled steel scrap.