In first 10 months of 2015, deliveries to steel end use segments by European flat steel service centers did increase by +6 % when compared to the same period of 2014.
Comparing October 2015 with October 2014, deliveries have been growing by +4 %, year-on-year.
On the other hand deliveries by European multi-product & proximity steel stockholding distribution turned less positive.
October 2015 deliveries decreased by -2 % when compared to October 2014.
In the first 10 months of 2015 deliveries by this distribution segment were lower by -2 % than during first 10 months of 2014.
Commenting the diverging business developments in the two main steel distribution segments, EUROMETAL Director General, Georges Kirps, pointed out that value adding flat SSC seem to enhance their market position as channel to supply strip mill products to steel end use sectors, mainly automotive and white goods
Multi-product & proximity distributors are the privileged channel to route long steel products, plates and tubes to end use sectors construction industry, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and yellow goods
In comparison to shipments of US steel distribution, Kirps added, that in 2015 EU steel distribution deliveries developed in a more positive way than those of their US colleagues, who will note a significant decline in 2015.