The German Consulate General in Kolkata has granted 21000 Euro to the Missing Link Trust for the ‘Swach Gram’ project in Kultali Block, South- 24 Parganas District, West Bengal. The project mission is to improve the public health situation of 500 households in Kultali Block by supporting the construction of 104 toilets. This project intends to become a platform for generating awareness on social issues like public hygiene. Furthermore, it will upgrade the living conditions of the human trafficking survivors and the vulnerable ones mainly women, children and their families by providing proper sanitation facility in this block.
On 1st June 2017, the Deputy Consul General, Mr. Jürgen Thomas Schrod signed the contract with the representative of the Missing Link Trust Ms. Leena Kejriwal.
The primary objective of the Missing Link Trust is to sensitize the populace the plight of millions of little girls and women who are trafficked for sexual exploitation through their various initiatives and programs especially their public art campaign ‘MISSING’. The organization is also working for the rehabilitation of the survivors with the help of their livelihood programs.