Sven Teske, energy campaigner with Greenpeace International, made the following statement in reaction to the IEA energy outlook:
“Governments must heed the IEA’s call to remove barriers to energy saving technologies, which the IEA estimates could cut global demand for energy by almost a fifth by 2035. In addition, government ambition on developing renewable energy is seriously inadequate if they are to meet their promises to hold the average global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius. Renewable energy must grow to 65% of electricity production and energy efficiency must increase by 2035 to reduce the impact of climate change. Otherwise, based on this forecast, the world is still headed for a catastrophic temperature increase of 4 to 6 degrees Celsius.
“Without increased ambition on renewables, the IEA shows that almost 700 new, dirty coal-fired power plants could be developed by 2025, a disaster for the climate and for precious water resources.”
The IEA’s new policy scenario, the main analytical scenario underpinning its World Energy Outlook, shows that by 2035:
• Global electricity consumption would grow by 15,000 TWh with 7,000 TWh covered by renewables.
• 3,400 TWh of wind and solar powered generation would be added, more than the entire electricity consumption of the European Union.
The Greenpeace Energy [R]evolution 2012 scenario for replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, shows:
• Double the new renewables of the IEA forecast are required, coupled with increased energy efficiency, to address climate change adequately,
• Renewable energy can reach 65% of global electricity production with the right government programmes and incentives.