New Delhi, 3 June, 2014: Mr Y K Modi, Chairman, Eastern Energy Corporation and past president, FICCI has been elected as an employer member to the ILO Governing Board from South Asia for the term 2014-2017. The elections to the ILO Governing Board were held yesterday at Geneva during the 103rd session of the Inernational Labour Conference, being held from May 28 – June 13, 2014. It is deliberating on global issues facing the world of work such as informal sector, forced labour and employment. ILO, which is part of the UN family has a membership of 185 countries and each member country is required to send a tripartite delegation to attend the conference each year.
ILO Governing Board has 14 regular employer members and equal number of trade union members and 28 government members from its member countries. The governing board exercises oversight functions mainly, setting agenda for the International Labour Conference and supervises the implementation of ILO conventions by its members.