March 8th, 2018:- International School Of Design organised a open house seminar for the students in the Institute. The seminar was conducted to teach the skills to the students which will be helpful for them to built their career in this field. Mr. Sunjey Aggarwal, Founder & CEO, International School of Design shared his experiences to the students on this occasion. The faculty members of all the various design departments attended the seminar.
The purpose of the seminar was to create and spread awareness about the careers in design industry for the wave of aspiring students looking forward to step in the design industry, Moreover, the seminar aimed to inform the youth about the initiatives of state government for skill development. Students from Different institutes showed their creative side of the work and nearly 200 students attended the seminar.
The seminar was commenced by the speech of fashion faculty and other department faculties like Interior Design & Jewellery design and followed by some tips for these students to groom their careers. This occasion was witnessed with some of the renowned names in their field.
Mr. Sunjey Aggarwal marked this occasion with his speech to the students. Addressing from the podium said that, “The degree & diploma designing courses offered these days are the most unique ones, while majorly focusing on all round development it requires many articulate skills like innovation, familiarity with the global outlook, creativity, uniqueness, public appealing creative skills etc. The courses offered are varied and by the end of each course the students are able to work out to bring the best of their thoughts in terms of innovation & design” Designers and their Design houses may it be in Fashion, Jewellery or Interiors play a crucial role in our country’s global face off as well as it is one of the major contributors of producing significant employment in the skilled as well as unskilled workforce in our country. The multifold growth of the Indian design industry has an overwhelming influence on the country’s economic growth and progress. All students should strive to be financially independent.