In the Best New Development Award category the winner was the Stainless Steel Fuel tank using a Metastable Austenitic stainless steel from Outokumpu. The stainless steel fuel tank is superior in terms of crashworthiness and does not need surface treatment or maintenance. The steel grade used for the fuel tank, HyTensX®, which allows for ultra thin walls, which contributes to its lighter weight. The fuel tank is made in half-shell design, which provides for easy assembly of internal components. The stainless steel can be fully recycled when the car reaches the end of its life cycle. The winning concept provides: a combination of good design, appropriate material selection, engineering expertise and sufficient delivery reliability. Click here to see the entry In the Best New Technology Award category the winner is the Stainless Steel Lining Jacket from Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Corporation and Nippon Yakin Kogyo. The Delta Runway at Tokyo International Airport, which was constructed as a part of the expansion work at the airport, was Japan’s major social capital investment and required durability of 100 years with proper maintenance. To avoid corrosion of steel construction components of the pier, seawater-proof stainless steel was adopted, as it was superior in terms of durability and Life Cycle Cost. This was the first large-scale application of the method at the airport facilities and the lining materials chosen for their high corrosion resistance against seawater were “NSSC 270 (SUS312L) ”, “ NAS185N (SUS312L) ”, and ”NAS354N (ASTM N08354) ”. Click here to see the entry. More information about these and the other entries can be found in the brochure “New Applications Awards”, which can be downloaded from the worldstainless website. Right click here to download document