eurometal-logo-300x91During EUROMETAL General Assembly of 10 December 2015, Alain Le Grix De La Salle, Vice President of ARCELORMITTAL, stepped down as EUROMETAL President.

Jens Lauber, CEO of TATA Steel Distribution Mainland Europe, was unanimously elected by the delegates of the General Assembly as new EUROMETAL President.

Furthermore, EUROMETAL General Assembly elected the following officers to the board of EUROMETAL Presidency:

  • First Vice president: Robert Kay, FERONA, Czech Republic,
  • Vice president: Mikael Nyquist, TIBNOR, Sweden,
  • Vice president: Johan Rosseel, ROSSEEL, Belgium,
  • Vice president: Cesare Vigano, AMCLN, Italy,

  • Presidency member: Oliver Ellermann, BDS, Germany,
  • Presidency member: Roberto Gonzalez, TIRSO Group, Spain,
  • Presidency member: Michel Julien-Vauzelle, FFDM, France,
  • Presidency member: Alexander Julius, MACROMETAL, Germany,
  • Presidency member: Roberto Lunardi, LUNARDI, Italy,
  • Presidency member: Norbert Thumfart, WEYLAND, Austria,
  • Presidency member: Hein Vandeveire, AMDS, Luxembourg.

One seat as Presidency member is still vacant.