Download the Guide here http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/PartnershipsProjects/Documents/GIA-just-in-time-hires.pdf
The Guide has been developed by the Global Industry Alliance to support low carbon shipping (Low Carbon GIA), based on research and discussion amongst its membership, and the Guide documents the findings of a series of industry roundtables which brought together nearly 50 companies and organizations who are key stakeholders in the port call process.
Widely recognized as a means of increasing port efficiency and port call optimization, the successful implementation of JIT Arrivals can have a significant environmental impact through reduced GHG emissions from optimizing the ships speed to arrive just in time. The concept is based on the ship maintaining an optimal operating speed, to arrive at the Pilot Boarding Place when the availability is assured of: 1. berth; 2. fairway; and 3. nautical services (pilots, tugs, linesmen). JIT Arrivals also contributes to reduced time at anchorage and therefore reduced congestion in the port area. It is estimated that ships spend up to 9% of their time waiting at anchorage, which could be reduced through the implementation of JIT Arrivals.
The Guide provides a holistic approach to Just In Time Arrivals, considering contractual aspects to its implementation as well as operational. The Guide is envisaged as a useful toolkit for many stakeholders including shipowners, ship operators, charterers, ship agents, shipbrokers, port authorities, terminals, nautical and vessel service providers. All these actors ultimately play a key role in implementing the necessary changes and facilitating the exchange of communication required to realize JIT Arrivals.
The Guide provides guidance for all shipping segments. However, it suggests that JIT Arrivals could be implemented for the container segment first, as there are fewer contractual barriers and containerships often run on more predictable schedules with shorter port to port distances. The Guide then provides next steps on how efforts can be scaled-up, replicated and adapted, with a view to implementing JIT Arrivals across other sectors.
The Guide considers in detail the port call business process, and how the exchange of key information and data that is required for JIT Arrivals can be improved. It highlights the need for harmonized standards, acceptable to the IMO, and their implementation by all stakeholders involved in the port call process. The work is aligned with recent developments achieved by IMO’s Expert Group of Data Harmonization (EGDH), which agreed to include new operational data elements in the IMO Reference Data Model which relate to the concept of Just In Time Arrival. The additional dataset is expected to be approved by IMO’s Facilitation Committee. This is seen as an important step towards facilitating the implementation of the JIT concept and will allow for digital exchange of data between the port and ship Such exchange is in line with resolution MEPC.323(74), which invites Member States to encourage cooperation between the shipping and port sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions.
Global Industry Alliance to support low carbon shipping (Low Carbon GIA)
The Low Carbon GIA is a public–private partnership with the aim to identify and develop innovative solutions to address common barriers to the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency technologies and operational measures. The Low Carbon GIA was originally established under the framework of the GEF-UNDP-IMO Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP Project), and since the conclusion of the GloMEEP Project at the end of 2019, the Low Carbon GIA has been operating under the framework of the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project.