Keeda Hai Kya, Desh Saaf karne ka?


A humble mission to CLEANSE INDIA and create awareness about our human values & fundamental duties as Citizens

iCONGO Founder- Jeroninio Almeida at the campaign Keeda Hai Kya  Desh Saaf karne ka Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaned the streets (2) Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaned the streets (3) Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaning streets  (2) Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaning streets (3) Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaning streets marking the launch Karan Paul_Chairman_Apeejay Surendra Group along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta cleaning streets Keeda Hai Kya  Desh Saaf karne ka_A humble mission to cleanse India launched by Apeejay Karmayuga today (2) Keeda Hai Kya  Desh Saaf karne ka_A humble mission to cleanse India launched by Apeejay Karmayuga today (3) Keeda Hai Kya  Desh Saaf karne ka_A humble mission to cleanse India launched by Apeejay Karmayuga today Keeda Hai Kya  Desh Saaf karne ka_volunteers supporting the campaign with Mr.Karan Paul

New Delhi October 2, 2014: Who doesn’t want freedom from dirt and filth, but for that the whole country has to come and work together. It’s not that if the Prime Minister of India has announced the campaign so it becomes the sole responsibility of the Government of India to make India clean. It is now individual social responsibility of every citizen of India to participate ancontribute to make the country a better place to live in.

 Keeda hai Kya, Desh saaf karne Ka? is a viral citizen movement initiated to add strength to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan  launched by  our Honbl’e Prime Minister. The movement is being powered by Apeejay Karmayuga, a movement to create awareness about our human values & fundamental duties as responsible citizens.

 Mr.Karan Paul, Chairman of one of the biggest and reputed corporate giant, Apeejay Surrendra Group flagged off -“Keeda Hai Kya, Desh Saaf Karne Ka” – the citizen movement  to cleanse Indiatoday. Feeling happy about getting an opportunity to  perform his fundamental duty as a citizen of India and do his bit for the country, Mr. Paul also inspired many more people to join in to clean the streets in Delhi. Mr Karan Paul started the march from his residence along with his wife Indrani Dasgupta and was accompanied by people like  Founder and volunteer – iCONGO – international confederation of NGOs , best-selling author and leadership coach– Jeroninio Almeida ,India’s foremost expert on HIV-Aids Dr. Thangsing Chinkolal,   Venture Capitalist and one of India’s biggest security entreprenuer Anil Puri, Entrepreneur & Author Ashutosh Garg,   Apeejay KarmaYuga Director Meenu Chopra, Rex Karmaveer Global Fellowships Convener Col. Sanjeev Dutta, Dun & Bradstreet Director & Consultant Arvind Raghav Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders Apoorva Bamba, Kamal Seth, Anisha Khanna, Madhulika, Hunar Brar,  and large set of Students NGO leaders and others.

Just before he flagged off the mission, Mr Karan Paul said “Keeda Hai Kya Desh Saaf Karne Ka? This mission is quite a patriotic invitation to all citizens of India to do their bit to clean India . As a collective citizen movement, this mission should aspire to have all 1.3 billion Indian citizens join in by devoting 100 hours every year to do some cleaning. This will certainly go a long way in strengthening the efforts of our Honbl’e Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi ,who has given out a clarion call to all the citizensto keep India clean.. This mission is energized by we the people, i.e extraordinary citizen patriots like you & me.  Join in and let us make a better and clean India, ‘ more ‘saare jahan se achha!’  “

 The 3 simple steps to join the #KeedaHaiKya mission!


1.       Identify a place in your locality, which needs to be cleaned. Get at least 2 OR more friends and clean the place.


2.       With your mobile phone camera, shoot a video of UPTO 5 minutes with a) How the place looks before it was cleaned b) all of you having fun CLEANING THE PLACE and SHOOT how the place looks after you cleaned up c) then the message (given below). All of you then INVITE at least 3 friends & more on social media (100+ in next 1 month) to fulfill the #KeedaHaiKya mission within 10 days of invitation. The essence of the message in any language (Feel free to improvise and add clean humour): “#KeedaHaiKya Desh Saaf Karne ka? Yes I have a Keeda, because I am Patriot and love my country. I fulfill my basic duties as a citizen and pledge 2 hours ever week to clean India. Together as ONE, let us make India MORE SAARE JAHAN SE ACHCHA. I now invite my friends…(Invite all your friends personally and thru social media)”


3.       Post the video on the #KeedaHaiKya FB page or on any of your social media pages with       HASHTAG #KeedaHaiKya and invite all your friend on social media to join in. Please also mail video to to collect your “I am a India Patriot certificate”All patriots who fulfill the #KeedaHaiKya invitation shall be eligible for a special “I am a INDIA PATRIOT certificate”. The certificate shall have the preamble of our Indian constitution adopted by us as citizens on 26/11/1949, the day we celebrate as the CITIZEN ACTION DAY and shall be powered by the APEEJAY KARMAYUGA mission, with the coveted Karmaveer Chakra awards instituted in partnership with the UN (United Nations).


Apeejay Karmayuga is a movement to Inspire solid Character, initiated by iCONGO- International Confederation of NGOs ( and supported by Apeejay Trust. The  movement that hopes to bring to the fore seemingly ordinary, regular citizens who are making a difference through their simple acts and demonstrate exceptional determination in discharging their Fundamental Duties listed in the Indian Constitution. Apeejay Karmayuga will scout for such Indians across the country and honour them with Karmaveer Chakra, a medallion for voluntary services, instituted by iCongo in 2008 at the behest of the UN. The courage of conviction displayed by the past Chakra recipients, who have created greatness with their stupendous examples, gave profound meaning to the Karmaveer Chakra and vindicated the belief that even the simplest act of volunteering can create a mammoth ripple effect of positive change.


Apeejay Trust: Apeejay Trust, established in 1974, is a welfare trust of the Apeejay Surrendra Group and leads many of its Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and community interventions from time to time and also provides funds as well as resources to various NGOs and other institutions who are engaged in public welfare, charitable projects and purposes that help poor and deprived sections of the society. To know more about the Trust, please visit the site:

About Apeejay Surrendra Group: Established in 1910, Apeejay Surrendra Group employs over 43000 people in rapidly expanding operations in Tea, Hospitality, Shipping, Real Estate & Retail and has diversified into new business initiatives, Marine Cluster, Logistics & Knowledge Parks. 2010 was the Group’s centenary year. For more Information, please visit