The multi-specialty hospital is running a campaign to provide free OPD consultations on surgery and special packages with its team of reputed and experienced laparoscopic surgeons
Gurgaon, 23May, 2014: Have you been advised a surgical procedure for an ailment you have been battling? Has this advise put you in a dilemma and you are wondering if surgery will be the right option? If yes, a second medical opinion is what you are looking for. This month, you can get it free at a special OPD campaign launched by Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon.
Surgery is considered by many, and rightly, as an option of the last resort. Even doctors prescribe surgery when all other medical interventions fail to provide relief. Yet, it is often difficult for patients and their families to arrive at the decision to go for a surgical intervention. Most people seek second opinions before going for a surgery to be absolutely sure about its need.
Keeping this requirement of people in mind, Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon, has launched a special campaign to help people struggling with a dilemma about an impending surgery. A special team of laparoscopic surgeons will be available this month at a special OPD where patients are invited to discuss their cases and seek a second opinion.
More importantly, the consultation at the surgery OPD will be given out without charges and people may just walk in to seek an expert opinion on their cases.
The patients can meet the hospital’s renowned team of expert surgeons comprising senior surgeons and consultant Dr Viprashree, Dr Meenakshi Sharma, Dr Alok Gupta, Dr Rakesh Durkhure, Dr Pankaj Gupta, and Dr Naveen Satija.
“Surgery, be it of the heart or the abdomen or any other area is a procedure, people do not jump into. They evaluate the medical advice offered to them and more often than not, they seek a second medical opinion to convince themselves about the need for surgery. Many a time, they want to try alternate medicinal options before going for a surgical procedure. For such people, who have been advised surgery but are not yet convinced about it, Paras Hospitals is opening up a special OPD from May 12 to May 31. An honest medical opinion can be a big thing for some people and we desire to go all out and help such patients,” says Dr Viprashree, Senior Consultant Laparoscopic Surgery, Paras Hospitals.
The hospital is equipped with a team of reputed and experienced laparoscopic surgeons adept at performing all major gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, and pancreatic procedures. The focus of the hospital’s surgical team is laparoscopy or minimally invasive surgery which is one of the most revolutionary developments to have taken place in the field of medical science in recent times.
Laparoscopic surgery is a specialized technique which is now being used in a variety of cases. This technique involves making very small incisions at the target area and then using specialized camera-equipped instruments to perform the procedure. Compared to traditional surgery, minimally invasive procedure causes less pain, less blood loss and ensures a faster recovery.
The hospital is also offering special packages for surgery and if you are looking for the right place to get a surgical procedure done, you can attend the OPD and find out the offers.