“Love Shagun” cast and crew, including Manit Joura, Shamin Mannan, Taran Bajaj, Sandesh Nayak and Simpy Singh marked the event special.
Fashion show followed by brilliant dance performances by leading troupes making the event massive and fun filled.
Max Fashion is about sharing experiences. Spring-Summer’15 brings brightness and newness, hence aptly named “Today’s For Sharing”
MAX is the international value fashion brand of the Dubai based Landmark Group. The brand stands for a unique concept of delivering international fashion & value to the young and fashionable shopper.
Max introduced a whole new variety of apparel, footwear & accessories for the entire family; for women, men, children including a fashionable range for infants. With a great range of western & ethnic wear for the young and hip shoppers, it makes a perfect shopping destination for people for all age groups.