Outotec publishes its sustainability report 2012

Outotec has published its sustainability report 2012, which describes Outotec’s approach to sustainability, performance and achievements during the year as well as future targets. Key achievements in 2012 include a comprehensive Code of Conduct, new long-term targets set for the sustainability work and high proportion of environmental goods and services (EGS) in 2012 order intake.

“Outotec’s most significant impact on sustainability occurs indirectly through our customers’ operations. With eco-efficient solutions, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of the industry, at the same time increasing welfare. Our customers’ priorities towards the environmental and social dimensions of sustainability strengthened in their decision-making. In fact, as much as 89 percent of our order intake in 2012 represented environmental goods and services under the OECD definition”, says Outotec CEO Pertti Korhonen.

“We also worked hard on making our values an integral part of everything we do. In line with our commitment to sustainability, we continued our efforts to establish policies and processes to improve our sustainability-related performance, data collection, and measurement systems. We were able to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in relation to sales, however, the total emissions increased partly due to our strong business growth, which required frequent air travel to project sites and customer meetings. We intend to further improve our performance and reporting and thus demonstrate our commitment to good governance, responsible business practices and transparency.”

The report conforms to GRI Application Level B+ and is third-party assured by Ecobio Ltd. The report is available at www.outotec.com/sustainability in English.