Resilience Needed to Jump Start Final Stages of Energy Transition, Study Finds

Nordic countries, including Sweden, Norway and Denmark, have maintained their leading positions on the Energy Transition Index (ETI), driven by strong progress in environmental sustainability.  Only 13 out of 115 countries have made steady gains in ETI scores in the past decade, highlighting that progress has been uneven. The energy transition requires a full transformation …

March 2021 crude steel production

22 April 2021 Brussels, Belgium World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 169.2 million tonnes (Mt) in March 2021, a 15.2% increase compared to March 2020. Crude steel production by region Global crude steel production was 486.9 Mt in the first three months of 2021, up by …

worldsteel Short Range Outlook April 2021

15 April 2021 Brussels, Belgium The World Steel Association (worldsteel) today released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2021 and 2022. worldsteel forecasts that steel demand will grow by 5.8% in 2021 to reach 1,874.0 million tonnes (Mt), after declining by 0.2% in 2020. In 2022 steel demand will see further growth of 2.7% to reach …

worldsteel announces the 2020 Steel Sustainability Champions

13 April 2021 Brussels, Belgium The World Steel Association (worldsteel) has recognised 9 companies as Steel Sustainability Champions for their work in 2020. Now in its fourth year, the Steel Sustainability Champions Programme commends those steel companies that are most clearly demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development. The 2020 Steel Sustainability Champions are: JFE Steel Corporation JSW Steel …

Kiss Passwords Goodbye: Cisco Secure Unveils Passwordless Future

India, March 31, 2021—Cisco Live Digital 2021— Cisco Secure, the leader in enterprise security, today unveiled the future of simple and effective security with infrastructure agnostic, passwordless authentication by Duo. Integrated seamlessly into the existing Duo authentication experience used by more than 25,000 organizations globally, Duo passwordless authentication will enable enterprise users to skip the …

February 2021 crude steel production

World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 150.2 million tonnes (Mt) in February 2021, a 4.1% increase compared to February 2020. China is estimated to have produced 83.0 Mt in February 2021, up 10.9% on February 2020. India produced 9.1 Mt, down 3.1%. Japan produced 7.5 …

Here’s How Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Improve the World

The World Economic Forum today unveils the world’s most promising 112 Young Global Leaders under the age of 40, involved in activities ranging from advocating for public healthcare to campaigning for inclusivity in medical research They join a group of Nobel Prize recipients, Pulitzer winners, heads of state and chief executive officers committed to improving …

Assessing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Articles 48A and 51A (g) in the Constitution of India spell out the imperatives for the state and its citizens, namely, protection and improvement of the environment. Article 48A states, “The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country”. Article 51A (g) places …