August 2020 crude steel production

24 September 2020 Brussels, Belgium World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 156.2 million tonnes (Mt) in August 2020, a 0.6% increase compared to August 2019. Due to the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of this month’s figures are estimates that may be revised with next month’s production …

Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Top Global Companies Take Action on Universal ESG Reporting

Benchmarking sustainable business performance is now easier with a universal set of ‘stakeholder capitalism metrics’ including environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators and disclosures for financial markets, investors and society  The metrics will help companies demonstrate long-term value creation and their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), marking a milestone in the implementation of …

Climate Heat Maps Show How Hot It Could Get for Today’s Tweens

•    New EarthTime visualization shows worst-case scenario by 2100, within the life expectancy of today’s tweens, children between 10 and 12 years old.   •    Released at the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit, the visualization shows record temperature rises in the US, India and across South Asia for longer periods of time•    Limiting the …

NTU Singapore scientists devise ‘Trojan horse’ approach to kill cancer cells without using drugs

Cancer cells are killed in lab experiments and tumour growth reduced in mice, using a new approach that turns a nanoparticle into a ‘Trojan horse’ that causes cancer cells to self-destruct, a research team at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has found. The researchers created their ‘Trojan horse’ nanoparticle by coating it with …

5 Tips for Working with Printed Circuit Boards

Anyone can learn to work with printed circuit boards. All the knowledge and tools that you need to embark on this journey are freely available online. Once you know what you are doing, a working knowledge of PCBs enables you to pursue advanced electronics projects and even build your own hardware. Here are some tips …

What Are Benefits Brought by Cisco 300-430 Certification Exam?

Most probably you heard many of your colleagues talking about Cisco exams. Not everyone manages to pass their tests as their difficulty is quite high. Cisco is an international vendor that develops Author: Tristan O to help successful candidates differentiate from their competition. Interestingly enough, recruiters around the world value Cisco certifications and consider that …

The carrot or the stick? Trends towards better ESG disclosure

By Peter Paul van de Wijs (Global Reporting Initiative) and Cornis van der Lugt (University of Stellenbosch Business School) Environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure has never been more pervasive around the world – and it is now firmly in the mainstream of policies requiring reporting on organizational performance. This was a key conclusion of …


The application windows for the UK Government’s Chevening Scholarship and Fellowship programmes for 2021-22 are now open. Aspiring scholars can apply for a one-year masters under the Scholarship programme by 3 November 2020 or for the short-term thematic Fellowship programmes by 19 October 2020. The Chevening Scholarships offer full financial support for one year to …