STMicroele​ctronics and Audi Co-operate to Accelerate Automotive Semiconduc​tor Innovation

Premium car maker Audi and STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications and a committed automotive semiconductor supplier since its birth in 1987, have announced a strategic relationship to drive the pace of automotive innovation by creating advanced semiconductor solutions. Together, Audi and ST will co-develop semiconductor …

Traditional Vs. Social Media – Chawm Ganguly

“How can a couple of scattered Mommy Bloggers, between changing nappies, looking up recipes and playing Farmville spearhead your communication strategy? It’s simply ridiculous” said a hot shot ad agency executive – articulating the typical knee jerk reaction of “traditional media” to the emergence and growing influence of “social media”. There were immediate retorts, “it’s …

Good Governance at Various Levels Starts and Ends with Stakeholders or Citizens –V Narayansamy International Capam Conference Inaugurated

Shri V. Naryansamy, Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has said that good governance based on transparency and accountability at various levels starts and ends with stakeholders or citizens. Therefore, any system, policy or machinery would only succeed, if it is fully accountable to the stakeholders and its processes are transparent, citizens …

Why Ultracapacitors Maintain 30% Market Growth – By Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman, IDTechEx

Ultracapacitors, also known as supercapacitors, have seen some setbacks lately. Market leader Maxwell Technologies has seen reduced ultracapacitor sales growth in early 2012 due to softness in Europe and Nanotecture, in Europe, developing the variant called a supercabattery went out of business. Certainly Europe, with a mere 6% of supercapacitor manufacturers, has been rather backward …

Marks & Spencer to eliminate hazardous chemicals from clothing

Amsterdam, 23 October 2012 – Fashion retail giant Marks & Spencer (M&S) has today made a breakthrough commitment (1) to eliminate all releases of hazardous chemicals throughout their entire supply chain and products by 2020, in response to the Greenpeace “Detox” campaign. “This commitment from M&S sets a new benchmark and they join H&M in …

M2M Market to Reach 400 million Units by 2017 Led by Consumer Electronics and Telematics

New momentum for Automotive and CE Applications as Smart Metering faces Challenges Hampshire, UK – 24th October 2012: A new study from Juniper Research has found that the Telematics and Consumer Electronics sectors are rapidly becoming the two anchor industries for the M2M (Machine to Machine) market, challenging the position of smart metering. The report …