Aircel partners NEC for Cloud Solutions

Aircel, one of India’s leading telecom players and NEC India, a leading display, network and IT solutions provider announced their strategic partnership for Software as a Service (SaaS), where NEC will provide the Cloud Aggregation Platform along with a portfolio of Cloud offerings to Aircel, which has a large customer base. Aircel will be responsible …

The 3rd Steelie Award winners announced at worldsteel-46 in New Delhi

New Delhi, 12 October 2012 – the World Steel Association (worldsteel) hosted its third Steel Awards ceremony at the farewell dinner to close the 46th annual steel industry conference. The trophies, known as Steelies, were awarded in seven categories. The categories, nominations and winners were: 1. Steel Industry website of the year: AISI (Final nominations …

Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and use-based Index for the Month of August, 2012 (Base 2004-05=100)

The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 2004-05 for the month of August 2012 have been released by the Central Statistics Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. IIP is compiled using data received form 16 source agencies viz. Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP);Indian Bureau of Mines; Central Electricity Authority; Joint Plant Committee; Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas; Office of Textile Commissioner; Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals; Directorate of Sugar; Department of Fertilizers; Directorate of Vanaspati, Vegetable Oils & Fats; Tea Board; Office of Jute Commissioner; Office of Coal Controller; Railway Board; Office of Salt Commissioner and Coffee Board. 2. The General Index for the month of August 2012 stands at 165.7, which is 2.7% higher as compared to the levelin the month of …

Following is the text of the speech of the Minister of Road Transport & Highways and Railways at the Economic Editors’ Conference on 8th October 2012

        “It’s an honor to be here at the Economic Editor’s Conference and interact with all of you who keep an eye on the economic pulse of the nation.             I address this August gathering as the Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways and Railways.  Both these Ministries play a pivotal role in developing …

National Security Advisor to Release Joint Working Group Report on Cyber Security

India’s current economic, social & infrastructure development process is making greater use of ICT for bringing transformation. However, this dependence on ICT makes the country vulnerable to cyber attacks that can have serious implications for both, the nation and economy. This underlines the urgent need to address the risks emanating from operating in cyberspace. Given …

SSAB – Tibnor and Peab develops partnership

The Nordic steel distributor Tibnor and the Nordic construction and civil engineering company Peab, has signed a group-wide agreement of reinforcing and long products deliveries in Sweden, Norway and Finland.  The deepened collaboration begins during the end of 2012 and is a complete solution including material and value-add services within logistics, production and administration. “We …

Annual Meetings Speech: The Road Ahead—A Changing Global Economy, A Changing IMF

By Christine Lagarde Managing Director, International Monetary Fund Tokyo, Friday, October 12, 2012 As prepared for delivery Introduction—the World Comes to Japan Ohayo gozaimasu—good morning! Mr. Chairman, governors, honored guests: on behalf of the International Monetary Fund, let me welcome you all to these Annual Meetings. Tokyo e yokoso! Let me acknowledge and thank His Imperial …

IMF Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa: “Maintaining Growth in an Uncertain World”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) today released the October 2012 Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa. Ms. Antoinette Monsio Sayeh, Director of the IMF’s African Department, commented on the report’s main findings: “Economic conditions in sub-Saharan Africa have remained generally robust against the backdrop of a sluggish global economy. Most low-income countries continued to grow soundly in …