Short Shorts Film Festival and Asia 2017

Academy Awards® accredited & one of the biggest short film festivals in Asia

Short Shorts Film Festival and Asia 2017

Newly established“BRANDED SHORTS”now accepting entries from all over the world


brandedshorts-01TOKYO, JAPAN –  2016 – Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a qualifying film festival for the annual Academy Awards® and one of Asia’s largest international short film festivals,announced its acceptance of entries for the annual 18th edition, which includes the newly established BRANDED SHORTS.

In recent years, companies and organizations have utilized video content in their marketing to improve the image of brands and products. Through the creation of branded movies, they can effectively communicate brand messages and the value of services directly to customers. In 2016, we established Branded Shorts, an extension that specializes in this genre of short films, as a response to the growth in the video advertising market.

BRANDED SHORTS made its global launch in 2016

For the first year of BRANDED SHORTS, we screened 28 branded movies through our special perspective; Idea, Storytelling, Cinematic, Emotional Appeal. The screening presented a new outlook on short films, which were well-received by the audiences. SSFF & ASIA’s President Tetsuya Bessho also emphasized that the “21st century will be all about Branded Shorts”. He continued by saying that “It will become the new “cinema” and digital short marketing will be taken over by the Branded Shorts”.

Along with the screening, we held BRANDED SHORTS conferences, which gathered leading companies in Japanese video marketing.

One of the BRANDED SHORTS conferences, The Utilization of Moving Images in Global Marketing powered by NESTLÉ Japan, explored the future of video marketing on a global scale. It featured special guests which included Kohzoh Takaoka, the President and CEO of Nestlé Japan Ltd., a company that is at the forefront of video content marketing in Japan, Yuhei Mizuno, a Google Japan Inc. Corporate Officer who is in charge of services such as YouTube, the world’s largest video content platform, and Adfest Collective, Lo Sheung Yan (Mayan), who is also Chairman, APAC Creative Council of JWT.

We are now holding a call for domestic and international submissions for the 2017 edition of the festival. In addition to screening a wide variety of branded movies, we will hold more events and seminars that explore the video advertising market further, building on subjects addressed at our inaugural 2016 edition.

<<BRANDED SHORTS 2017 Call for Entries>>

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2017 BRANDED SHORTS Call for Entries


【Submission Period】

August 1 (Mon), 2016 – March 31 (Thu), 2017

Submitted works will be featured on the Branded Shorts website, and will also be screened at SSFF & ASIA 2017 Branded Shorts.

【Submission Fee】

August 1 (Mon), 2016 – November 30 (Wed), 2016: 20,000 JPY (inc. tax)

December 1 (Thu), 2016 – March 31 (Thu), 2017: 30,000 JPY (inc. tax)

【Submission Guideline】

  1. Release Period:

Branded movies that have been released between January 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017.

(A minimum of two thirds of the total release period of the movie must fall within January 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017.)

  1. Duration: Unspecified
  1. Rules of Participation:

Submissions must be videos produced with the aim of communicating the brand or services of a company/organization to its customers. The company/organization can be part of any industry. The movie can be submitted by any relevant party; the company/organization it was produced for, the advertising company, the production company etc.


  1. In order to promote Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia and Branded Shorts, selected works may be screened/streamed at events or via websites operated by the Committee for Short Shorts (operations company: Pacific Voice Inc.) or other third parties involved.
  2. The Entrant Company has to receive approval from all related companies

3. To avoid conflict with the aforementioned stipulation, please ensure that the individual rights relating to writers, performers, musicians etc. have all been cleared in advance before submitting.