Social organisation Gandhi Vichar Manch demands a separate ministry to address welfare for senior citizens

Senior citizens are a challenge and an opportunity

Mumbai:In India there are millions of senior citizens and their position in an advanced and developing country is really a sensitive issue. Government constitutes concern for the senior citizens which are not properly initiated. How should they fend for themselves and solve their problems and take concrete steps on it is the need of the hour. In Mumbai, the plight of this growing group is being addressed by a social and non-profit organisation. Manmohan Gupta, Chairman of Borivali based social organisation, ‘Gandhi Vichar Manch’ and President of Senior Citizen’s cell of Mumbai Divisional Congress Committee has demanded the government for a separate ‘Mantralaya’ – a distinct and detached cell for the senior citizens.

                    Manmohan Gupta says, “According to reports India has more than 30 crores senior citizen and there is not a single governmental department to look and understand their various and address their grievances. Just like Child Development, Women Welfare Ministry, there should also be a ministry division for senior citizens too. The person who retires belongs to IPS officers, government staff, private workers, shop-keepers, businessman, journalists, teachers, bankers, army officers and others give their valuable time and money through various taxation in their 60-years journey of life to the country too.”

                          Gupta points out, “After retirement, senior citizens are treated like a garbage waste. Government can use their services in their respective departments for the development of the country. But it is not so… Nor there is no one to listen and understand the plight of these senior citizens. That is why; our organisation has come forward to demand a separate cell for the senior citizens in Mumbai. Senior citizens within a family are like a bark of the tree with its roots firmly on the ground. The rest of the generations are like branches and leaves. If the tree is endangered or cut, then the whole family encircling the tree will also fall and scatter. I am reaching out to the government to make a separate Mantralaya or Ministry for senior citizens. Just like the armed forces who get all their basic necessities from their canteen at reasonable rates, waiving of flying passengers, free medical assistance, subsidised or free hospitalisation and others should be provided for the seniors. I am initiating a web-site and an App for the senior citizens which will be launched soon. This will help in necessitating the problems of the senior citizen and helping them out by taking concrete steps.”