Tag «3D printing»

Sharjah Research and Technology Innovation Park and Finland’s Oulu University of Applied Sciences partner to explore potential of 3D printing across the Middle East’s thriving construction segment

  Move complements current efforts to consolidate Sharjah’s position as a leading knowledge and innovation hub   March 03, 2018 Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP) and Finland’s Oulu University of Applied Sciences has partnered to explore the potential of 3D printing across the Middle East region’s rapidly thriving construction sector. The strategic alliance …

AUSE and AUS highlight R&D opportunities in robotics & 3D printing for construction industry

December 19, 2017 The American University of Sharjah Enterprises (AUSE) and American University of Sharjah (AUS) recently held a three-day workshop on robotics and 3D printing in the construction industry at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) to present potential opportunities in research and development in construction—introducing how robotics and automation can help increase cost-effectiveness …