Tag «aid»

Humanity comes to aid of Man’s best friend

Dogs have been known throughout history to be man’s best friend, their loyalty towards humans is unmatched and they bring with them unconditional love wherever they go. But there are times when people consider them mere tools of experiments. Fortunately, there are also people who are wise to understand the pain of animals. Rashmi, is …

Improving aid effectiveness and transparency in AfDB’s Rural Water Sector

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, December 15, 2016 – Rural water supply and sanitation task managers and experts of the African Development Bank (AfDB) have discussed how to enhance transparency and aid effectiveness through online reporting, communications and monitoring of AfDB-financed projects. Organized by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI), in collaboration with AKVO, a …

LINE Releases Pray for Nepal Charity Stickers To Aid Victims of Nepal Earthquake

New Delhi, April 2​9, 2015 – A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Nepal on April 25, 2015, resulting in widespread destruction across the capital of Kathmandu to regions beyond. LINE would like to extend its deepest sympathies and prayers to the victims of this disaster and their loved ones.                                                                                To share our support, LINE …

Glencore to donate USD$2million to aid the relief effort of Typhoon Haiyan through the PASAR Foundation

Baar, Switzerland Glencore  to donate USD$2million to aid the relief effort of Typhoon Haiyan through the PASAR Foundation In  response  to  Typhoon Haiyan and the devastation that it has caused the Philippines,  Glencore will donate USD$2million to aid the relief effort of Typhoon  Haiyan  through  the  PASAR  Foundation  which  is  affiliated  to Glencore’s PASAR operations in the Philippines. Ivan Glasenberg, CEO, commented: ‘Typhoon  Haiyan  and  its  aftermath  have had a devastating effect on the …