Tag «Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory»

Tree Die-off Triggered by Hotter Temperatures : Carnegie

Washington, DC—A team of scientists, led by researchers at Carnegie’s Department of Global Ecology, has determined that the recent widespread die-off of Colorado trembling aspen trees is a direct result of decreased precipitation exacerbated by high summer temperatures. The die-off, triggered by the drought from 2000-2003, is estimated to have affected up to 17% of …

First Meteorite Linked to Martian Crust

Washington, D.C.—After extensive analyses by a team of scientists led by Carl Agee at the University of New Mexico, researchers have identified a new class of Martian meteorite that likely originated from the Mars’s crust. It is also the only meteoritic sample dated to 2.1 billion years ago, the early era of the most recent …