Tag «common stock»

ArcelorMittal prices Combined Offering of common stock and mandatorily convertible subordinated notes (“MCNs”)

Luxembourg, 10 January 2013 – ArcelorMittal (the “Company”) announces the pricing of its combined offering of ordinary shares and mandatorily convertible subordinated notes (“MCNs”) announced earlier today (the “Combined Offering”). The total aggregate proceeds from the Combined Offering are approximately USD 4.0 billion (before deduction of commissions). The ordinary shares offering represents an aggregate amount of …

ArcelorMittal announces proposed Combined Offering of common stock and mandatorily convertible subordinated notes (“MCNs”) for an expected amount of USD 3.5 billion

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN OR INTO CANADA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH TO DO SO WOULD BE PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW Luxembourg, 9 January 2013 – ArcelorMittal (the “Company”) announces today its intention to offer common stock (“the Shares”) and mandatorily convertible subordinated notes (the “MCNs”) for …