Tag «EVRAZ plc»

Sergey Stepanov Is Appointed the CEO of Raspadskaya Coal Company

EVRAZ plc (LSE: EVR) («EVRAZ» or the «Company») has announced that the Open Joint-Stock Company “Raspadskaya” has appointed Sergey Stepanov as the Chief Executive Officer of Raspadskaya Coal Company (managing company of Raspadskaya) with effect from 1 July 2014. Sergey Stepanov will continue to serve as the Head of Coal Division of EVRAZ and the …

Completion of acquisition of indirect controlling interest in OJSC Raspadskaya by EVRAZ plc

Further to the announcement on 4 October 2012 by EVRAZ plc (LSE: EVR) (“EVRAZ”) that it had agreed the terms of an acquisition of a further 50% interest in Corber Enterprises Limited (“Corber”), which holds an 82% interest in OJSC Raspadskaya and its subsidiaries (“Raspadskaya”), from Adroliv Investments Limited (the “Seller”), a company jointly owned …