Tag «Global Alliance»

Volvo and Apple Forge Global Alliance

GOTHENBURG, 3rd March, 2014 /PRNewswire/— Volvo Car Group and Apple Inc. are joining forces to make Apple’s widely-used and hugely admired operating system available to drivers, bringing together one of the world’s most progressive car companies and the world’s most famous technology company. The alliance promises to transform the in car experience. Called Apple CarPlay, …

Sankalp Forum announces prizes of USD 55,000 for Sankalp Awards 2014

Sankalp Forum has announced partnerships with the Artha Platform and Global Alliance who have aligned their support for these grand prizes                                                                                                     Mumbai, January 28, 2014: For the second year running, Sankalp Forum announced partnerships with Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and Artha Platform towards offering cash benefits and business support to promising social enterprises …