Tag «idma»

Presidents of CIBJO, WFDB, IDMA and WDC establish ‘The Presidents Forum’ to coordinate strategies on issues of common interest

ANTWERP, BELGIUM: JUNE 17, 2014 – Meeting this morning in Antwerp, the heads of the jewellery and diamond industry’s four leading international representative bodies have agreed to establish “The Presidents Forum,” which is a joint consultative committee with its members being the presidents of each organisation. Together they will discuss and formulate coordinated strategies and …

IDMA starts 2013 Presidents’ Meeting with strong statement, calling on the rough producing companies to perform a reality check

Antwerp, Belgium – October 9, 2013: The 2013 Presidents’ Meeting of the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) opened in Antwerp today with a strong statement issued by the meeting’s participants, reminding the rough producers that “generals cannot win the battle without their soldiers.”   On the agenda of two-day marathon meeting are discussion topics such …

IDMA and WFDB call for all industry consultation on KP and Diamond Source Warranty Protocol

Mumbai, October 17, 2012 – At the conclusion of the 35th World Diamond Congress, the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association expressed joint appreciation of the efforts by the Chair of the Kimberley Process to consult all industry stakeholders on the new definition for conflict diamonds and thus assure that …

IDMA membership elects new president and vice presidents, heaps praise on Indian hosts for organizing a successful, meaningful event

Mumbai, October 17, 2012 – The 35th World Diamond Congress concluded here in Mumbai today, with the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) electing a new board for the upcoming two years . The IDMA members resolved to support the KP’s efforts to arrive at a new definition for conflict diamonds. Following the announcement of the …

KP Chair calls for new definition of conflict diamonds

Stressing that consensus may take some time to achieve, Ambassador Gilllian Milovanovic says a new definition needs to bring the industry sustained improvement not destabilization Taj Land’s End hotel, Bandra, Mumbai – October 16, 2012: In her speech to the 35th WDC joint session, KP Chair Gillian Milovanovic called on the KP participants to arrive …