Tag «Indoor Air Pollution»

Indoor Air Pollution ‘Grossly Underestimated’ Says Blueair As Yellow Dust Cloud Shrouds Korean Peninsula

Stockholm, Sweden, February 23, 2015 – The yellow dust blanketing Seoul, the Korean capital, is a potentially toxic cocktail of several airborne pollutants, including dusts, solvents and metals emitted by vehicles, industry and natural sources. But seeking refuge inside as advised by local authorities is only a very short-term solution, says Blueair the world’s leading supplier of …

Sharp India bets on Air Purifiers using the miraculous Plasmacluster Ion Technology for the next level of growth for Consumer Industry

New Delhi June, 11 2014: Most of us feel that urban outdoor air is considerably dangerous!! City smog, automobile exhaust and even potent industrial wastes being recognized health hazards, are scientifically measured and documented. But several studies done in India and abroad reveal that the Indoor air is much more dangerous than outdoor air. We …